Leigh Fox
Leigh Fox is a forestry professional, impact investor, and conservation finance specialist that has worked with Indigenous communities around the world for the past 25 years. In Western Canada Leigh has managed complex silviculture and post-fire restoration projects for decades. In East Africa, he has helped found multiple companies that directly engage local communities as equity partners in timber production, forest carbon project design, agriculture production, and wetland conservation projects. Leigh’s graduate work focused on benefit delivery mechanisms as a feature of contract design in West African countries participating in the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility. Currently Leigh is working for Wahkohtowin Development to advance innovative project files such as the mycorrhizal inoculation of forest seedlings for carbon and improved ecosystem services, workforce development and First Nations youth programs in forestry and environmental monitoring, forest policy, and carbon project participation agreements.
Mark Kean
Mark Kean is a life-long resident of Timmins and has worked with the Canadian forestry industry since 1983 when he built a nursery and greenhouse operation with the capacity to produce two million reforestation seedlings annually. In 1990 Mark founded Mikro-Tek Inc., a biotechnology company that develops, produces and distributes inoculant products that incorporate naturally-occurring soil fungi called mycorrhizae. These inoculants are living organisms that form a symbiotic association with plant roots, helping them take up water and nutrients more efficiently, resulting in increased growth and vigor of the host plant. The company applies their technology in the forestry, agriculture, and land reclamation sectors in projects that supply carbon and biodiversity credits to address climate change in an environmentally sustainable way. Through his work Mark has travelled extensively on international projects, managed large budget research projects, and established a branch office in Chile.
Mark Kean
Nature Conservancy Canada
Lauren Kouba
Nature Conservancy Canada